Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Community Service

What is Community service? Is it picking up trash that someone forgot to throw away? Is it helping some who is elderly cross the street? Or is it just letting someone take your spot in line? To me I think all these things are community service. The one thing I remember about helping my community was my senior year in high school. My drama teacher came to me and asked if I'd like to be in a play that dealt with the mentally challenged and having a mentally challenged uncle I didn't hesistate to say yes. It was a great experience for me. For about three to four weeks I was with different mentally challenged people and got to see they all had amazing talents. One in particular was a lady by the name of Lauren. She was blind and slightly deaf, but she could play the piano without using her thumbs. Now to some who don't know how to play the piano you'd think anyone can play without their thumbs, but really that's a key part of playing the piano. She also had perfect pitch. You could hit a note on the piano and she'd tell you it was a C note. I grew fond of her and not because she had an amazing talent, but because she had an amazing sense of humor. I couldn't believe someone who has gone through such hell could have such an amazing sense of humor. Seeing that made me want to be like her. Wanted me to just laugh things off and I've tried to work that into my life somehow. That experience was one to never forget.

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