Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Time Managment

For me lately I've been having trouble managing time. I'm so busy with school, work, and now a girlfriend. School is what really takes up most of my time though with the different classes I have and the different papers I must write before holiday break. I'm looking forward to the break and also looking forward to not taking as many credited hours next semester. As I get older it seems time starts going by rapidly. I remember when I was younger and things were so slow and how I wanted them to go by fast, but now that things are going by fast I don't want them to. I enjoy being able to let stuff sink in, but as we get older we can't afford that luxury. I just need to try and atleast get my associates out of the way so then I can focus on what I want to major in, which by the way I still haven't decided if I want to major in mass communications or become a drama teacher. Managing time sucks.

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